Terms of Use and Bookings

Welcome to glasgowsleepclinic.com owned and operated by Primary Medical Limited. For any enquiries or to book an appointment please e-mail bookings@glasgowsleepclinic.com or complete our contact form.

When suitable time(s) and date(s) for appointment(s) have been arranged a provisional booking will be made. At the time of provisional booking- payment details and two questionnaires (Initial Questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Score) will be provided. Your booking will be confirmed when payment, Initial Questionaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) have been received.

Payments are to made by BACS transfer. Payments are expected within seven days of provisional booking, and at least 48 hours before appointment(s). Prices are as follows:

  • Initial sleep assessment (30 min) £50- to be paid in full before appointment

  • Single follow-up appointment (30 min) £50- to be paid in full before appointment

  • CBT-I package (3x 1 hour sessions, 2x 45 minute sessions) £375- can be paid in full, or 3x instalments of £125, first payment due before first appointment

  • Additional CBT-I sessions (30-45 minutes)- to be paid in full before appointment

All appointments can be refunded in full as long as they are cancelled by telephone or email with at least 48-hours notice.
Appointments cancelled within 48-hours will be refunded if the appointment is filled by another client.

People who are struggling with insomnia do not usually experience excessive daytime sleepiness. If you ever feel there is any chance you may fall asleep in a situation where it would be dangerous to fall asleep you must stop what you are doing and have a short nap. If you do struggle with excessive daytime sleepiness we would recommend you contact your GP, and if you drive visit: https://www.gov.uk/excessive-sleepiness-and-driving.

Sharing information

Any information shared with our clinician is treated as confidential. We will not routinely share any you information with any other parties (even your GP) with a few exceptions listened below. In keeping with General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines confidential information will only be shared when required by law/as part of a legal duty or justified in the public interest.

We will write to your GP to advise them of any consultations:

  • IF you a history of mental health problems which require(d) treatment (unless treatment has been limited to a single antidepressant or talking therapy).

  • IF you request that we do

  • IF it becomes apparent that you may be struggling with another sleep related condition such as Sleep Apnoea, or other medical issues such as pain or urinary symptoms are affecting your sleep. In these instances information will only be shared with your GP with you explicit verbal consent at the time.

At times it may be appropriate for us to correspond with you GP and hospital specialist(s):

  • If your are under Psychiatry or have a history seizure we will need to discuss your case with your consultant (or lead clinician) at certain points in treatment.