feel refreshed

Glasgow Sleep Clinic

feel refreshed

Difficulty Sleeping

If you are struggling to get to sleep, stay asleep or your mind races in bed we can help. We have tools and techniques to improve your sleep and make bed a restful place again.

Difficulty sleeping every now and again is common and completely natural. If you have experienced difficulty sleeping for more than a couple of weeks we can provide you with techniques to help you fall asleep quickly and re-establish a regular sleep rhythm.

If your symptoms have been going on for longer than a few months you may be struggling with insomnia. If it takes 30 minutes or longer to fall asleep, or you are waking for more than 30 minutes during the night or in the earlier morning, three or more times a week it is likely that you will benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).

CBT-I is an evidence based practice which helps you fall asleep quickly and get a refreshing continuous sleep. It uses cognitive components to target the thoughts and worries that prevent sleep, and uses behavioural components to establish a new sleep routine and eradicate sleeplessness from bed.

Common issues targeted by cognitive components:

  • sleep effort (the harder you try to sleep, the harder it becomes)

  • reviewing & planning thoughts (things that happened today, things that will happen tomorrow)

  • real life issues that need some real attention (if you are busy through the day, these thoughts may become more apparent at night)

  • mind jumping from topic to topic

  • thinking about thinking

  • thinking about not sleeping

Behavioural components re-establish the association between bed and sleep, and re-align your sleep wake drive to help bed become a comfortable restful place.

National Institute for Clinical Evidence (NICE) recommends Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is used as first line treatment for insomnia.

The vast majority of people who receive CBT-I see long lasting improvements in their sleep. Around half achieve complete remission even if symptoms and have been ongoing for years.

CBT-I is usually delivered over six sessions.

What is CBT for Insomnia?

Is it just Sleep Hygiene?

It is unlikely that excess caffeine and looking at screens caused you difficulty with sleep, so it’s unlikely avoiding these things will resolve you symptoms.

CBT-I targets racing mind, sleep related worry and establishes as new sleep schedule to give you a refreshing night’s sleep.

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sleep clinic

sleep clinic

sleep clinic

How it works?

Initial Sleep Assessment

This is a 30-minute on-line or telephone consultation. We will discuss your sleep difficulties, how long they have been going on and provide personalised techniques to improve your sleep. We can consider whether a further consultation or CBT-I are indicated.

For any enquiries, or to arrange an initial sleep assessment please contact us by email- bookings@glasgowsleepclinic.com or complete contact form below or on 07777189225.

Appointments will take place via phone, Zoom or Microsoft Teams- and will normally be scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays between 09:30 and 14:00

Sleep follow-up

We will review your sleep, the strategies implemented during initial assessment and any other techniques which could be used. If your symptoms have been going on for less than a couple of months this may be all you need to get back on track.

CBT for insomnia

If your symptoms have been ongoing for months or years it is likely that you will benefit from CBT-I. Following your initial assessment you will be asked to complete a two week sleep diary and several questionnaires to identify where your difficulties lie. Your initial three CBT-I sessions will be one hour. At your initial CBT-I session will discuss your sleep diary and start your journey towards falling asleep quickly, staying asleep and feeling refreshed. We will review your diary and build on your progress in subsequent sessions. The final two sessions will be 45-minutes and will include relapse prevention. Subsequent 30 or 45 minutes sessions can be booked if needed.

Appointments will take place via Zoom or Microsoft Teams- and will normally be scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays between 09:30 and 14:00



Initial assessment (30 min) - £50

Single follow-up appointment (30 min)- £50

Initial CBT-I sessions (3x 1 hour sessions and 2x 45 min sessions) £375

Additional sessions (30-45min)- £45-60







Contact Us


Alternatively call or text 07777189225

Contact form

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